KG Miss Speechy IPA Font

About KG Miss Speechy IPA Font
KG Miss Speechy IPA Font is a Greek font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 14,129 times and added to 206 collections. 13 people have liked KG Miss Speechy IPA Font and given it a thumbs up.
KG Miss Speechy IPA Font was recently updated on Feb 19, 2015
Regular Style
More info from Kimberly Geswein
This font was created just for SLPs-- it covers the complete international phonetic alphabet.
As a bonus, it also includes the Greek alphabet- perfect for sororities or fraternities!
**You can access the IPA by using any number of online tools to create the words you need and copy/paste them into your document. You can also use the character palette or the unicode values for each glyph. It will work the same as any standard IPA font such as Lucida Sans Unicode.