Viva La Vida Font

About Viva La Vida Font
Viva La Vida Font is a Young font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 30,753 times and added to 434 collections. 13 people have liked Viva La Vida Font and given it a thumbs up.
Viva La Vida Font was recently updated on Sep 29, 2014
Regular Style
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This is a great font :)
it looks like my friend's handwriting
This font is amazing!!!! Definitely one of my favorites. I'll be using this for all my schoolwork, presentations, etc... It's so fun and quirky 😄
LOL This looks just like my writing. I even asked Kimberly to make a font for me... never got a response after mailing her the sample... They're way similar. xD
@smileygurl - drop me an email at If you really never heard back from me, that's pretty weird! I am pretty religious about writing back to people!
:) Kimberly
@smileygurl - after looking through emails, this is definitely the font made from your sample! I wrote you back a few times, too, so I hope you were getting those responses! 😄 Hope you like the font!
You sure? They look like two different samples. I'll re e-mail you the sample.
I ? this font!! 😃
This font is amazing I love it!!!! :):)
And so, who named the font after the Coldplay song that inspired by a painting by a female Mexican artist called "Sanidas con leyendas: viva la vida?!"
For that, she's making fonts that have names after hit songs! That's a coincidence that the typographers should've done for those things!
Should she name the fonts after the opening and ending theme songs of the Japanese anime shows?!
Bit too cheery looking for my tastes, maybe that's just because I've listened to much to the depressing Coldplay song, lol xD Still an awesome font though