Klingon Hand Font
About Klingon Hand Font
Klingon Hand Font is a Klingon font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,152 times and added to 50 collections. 4 people have liked Klingon Hand Font and given it a thumbs up.
Klingon Hand Font was recently updated on Jul 23, 2017
Regular Style
More info from heaven castro
Fan-made Star Trek Font :)
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Hi - I speak and write Klingon, and would love to use your font. However, there is no space in your font. This would be really necessary - although you CAN write pIqaD without spaces, you should not, as it makes reading it really messy. Could you please add a space to the font? If not, could you please allow me to add one? I am a typographer myself, and would have no problem doing it. Please let me know.
Oh, and would it be okay if I also add the missing numbers? 0 to 9? Naturally, the Klingon number characters.
@thuthien12 thank you 😄