Km Standard TT Font

About Km Standard TT Font
Km Standard TT Font is a Display font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,500 times and added to 85 collections. 7 people have liked Km Standard TT Font and given it a thumbs up.
Km Standard TT Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Bold Style
More info from Km
2006-2008 Old Standard TT designed by Alexey Kryukov | Regular, Italic & Bold versions | OFL Licence | Shared on his Fontsquirrel account.
2014 Km Standard TT modified by Camille Moisset | in the context of courses | ERG school | Brussels | Bold Stencil version | OFL Licence |2006-2008 Old Standard TT designed by Alexey Kryukov | Regular, Italic & Bold versions | OFL Licence | Shared on his Fontsquirrel account.
2014 Km Standard TT modified by Camille Moisset | in the context of courses | ERG school | Brussels | Bold Stencil version | OFL Licence |