KonKhmer_S-Phanith3 Font

About KonKhmer_S-Phanith3 Font
KonKhmer_S-Phanith3 Font is a Display font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 424 times and added to 13 collections. 4 people have liked KonKhmer_S-Phanith3 Font and given it a thumbs up.
KonKhmer_S-Phanith3 Font was recently updated on Mar 15, 2017
Regular Style
truetype 91 glyphs 94 characters
License Info
Public Domain
Quite good, balanced with a frisson of funk. I will audition it for use in titles for the historical catalog of dips and sauces that Count Langley is pressing me to finish before the peanut festival starts.