Kramer Font
About Kramer Font
Kramer Font is a Art Nouveau font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,794 times and added to 68 collections. 2 people have liked Kramer Font and given it a thumbs up.
Kramer Font was recently updated on Aug 31, 2007
2 font family styles
Normal Style
truetype 64 glyphs 68 characters
vs. Leftie Regular Style
truetype 65 glyphs 394 characters
License Info
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Like the Tango! font, this seems to be based on the Sezessions-Initialen of Wilhelm Gronau, a German typographer who lived in the mid 1800s ( see ). However, unlike the Tango! font (and the original work it is based on) there is actually the letter "I" which is nice bonus.