Le Tour de Fonts

About Le Tour de Fonts
Le Tour de Fonts is a Giro Ditalia font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 845 times and added to 16 collections. 6 people have liked Le Tour de Fonts and given it a thumbs up.
Le Tour de Fonts was recently updated on Apr 10, 2020
Regular Style
truetype 95 glyphs 107 characters
More info from SpideRaYsfoNtS
Le Tour de Fonts created as a donationware typeface for the World Bicycle Relief who mobilize people through the Power of Bicycles. They envision a world where distance is no longer a barrier to education, healthcare and economic opportunity. World Bicycle Relief UK is a registered charity #1141613. Please make a small donation after your download @ http://bit.ly/2JgKONH
License Info
Shareware, Non-Commercial
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Le Tour de Fonts created as a donationware typeface for the World Bicycle Relief is mobilising people through the Power of Bicycles. They envision a world where distance is no longer a barrier to education, healthcare and economic opportunity. World Bicycle Relief UK is a registered charity #1141613. Please make a small donation after your download @ https://worldbicyclerelief.org/en/donation-uk