Legendum Font

Rogier van Dalen avatar

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About Legendum Font

Legendum Font is a Verdana font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 12,391 times and added to 156 collections. 7 people have liked Legendum Font and given it a thumbs up.

Legendum Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019

Regular Style

Legendum Regular
truetype 998 glyphs 1092 characters
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    More info from Rogier van Dalen

    Legendum is a typeface not unlike MS's Verdana. It has been made for optimal screen readibility. It is anti-aliased on Windows as well. It now contains all normal Latin characters as well as all Greek characters, plus punctuation. All are instructed. I use this permanently on my desktop, and have found it extremely nice to look at for longer stretches of time.

    It has the OpenType features "kern" (kerning), "lnum" (lining numerals; it's got old-style numerals by default), "mark"/"mkmk" (mark positioning). It comes in two flavours: Legendum_legacy.otf has hundreds of precomposed characters (such as é) while Legendum.otf does not, but OpenType-aware OSes and/or applications may be able to produce them anyway. The file for the latter is a lot smaller though. Most of the Latin combined glyphs are there, and (I think) all of the Greek ones (including polytonic Greek).

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    13 years ago

    When I type fl in Legendum it converts to a capital L. When I type fq it converts to a capital Q. Is there any reason for this and can it be fixed? Otherwise, I like the font and think it looks great. Thanks!

    13 years ago

    @jamthetram That's intentional, it's part of the OpenType features enabled in the font. Now, I'm not sure why it's intentional, but the designer wanted it to do that. You can try disabling OpenType features in your application, or use a non OpenType-aware application (like Microsoft Word).