Linux Biolinum Font
About Linux Biolinum Font
Linux Biolinum Font is a Keyboard font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 29,537 times and added to 361 collections. 3 people have liked Linux Biolinum Font and given it a thumbs up.
Linux Biolinum Font was recently updated on Feb 15, 2012
15 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 2380 glyphs 2493 characters
Bold Style
truetype 2324 glyphs 2435 characters
Capitals Small Caps Style
truetype 2302 glyphs 2493 characters
Capitals Bold Small Caps Style
truetype 2245 glyphs 2435 characters
Capitals Italic Samll Caps Style
truetype 2231 glyphs 2419 characters
Italic Style
truetype 2329 glyphs 2419 characters
Keyboard Regular Style
truetype 676 glyphs 684 characters
Outline Regular Style
truetype 2380 glyphs 2493 characters
Outline Bold Style
truetype 2326 glyphs 2435 characters
Outline Italic Style
truetype 2329 glyphs 2419 characters
Shadow Regular Style
truetype 2381 glyphs 2493 characters
Shadow Bold Style
truetype 2326 glyphs 2435 characters
Shadow Italic Style
truetype 2328 glyphs 2419 characters
Slanted Style
truetype 2380 glyphs 2493 characters
Slanted Bold Slanted Style
truetype 2325 glyphs 2435 characters
License Info
SIL Open Font License (OFL)
Related Styles
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