livelove Font
About livelove Font
livelove Font is a Pretty font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,469 times and added to 60 collections. 2 people have liked livelove Font and given it a thumbs up.
livelove Font was recently updated on Jul 31, 2020
Regular Style
More info from YonTypeStudio Co
Hello There!
Introducing the live love font This font is a handwritten Calligraphy font with a clean texture. This font is suitable for wedding invitations, logos and branding live love font includes complete lowecase and uppercase punctuation letters and supports multilingual live love font includes several fiture swashes that are very unique and look sweet What you get, darling?
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Using this version for commercial needs/ projects without purchasing our licenses, whether for individuals, printing businesses, brands, agencies, or companies, must follow our terms and conditions of license. You must be willing to pay our license charges and penalty fees for violating of the license use.