MagicMedieval Font
About MagicMedieval Font
MagicMedieval Font is a Magic The Gathering font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 68,558 times and added to 652 collections. 25 people have liked MagicMedieval Font and given it a thumbs up.
MagicMedieval Font was recently updated on May 3, 2010
Regular Style
More info from Dave Howell
This font is based on Goudy Medieval, modified by Dave Howell for use on Magic: The Gathering cards.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
i love it!! and i do use that font in my drafting class.
YEAH!! 😃
Love this font. Thank you Dave Howell. It is the one I chose when searching for a suitable font for the headings for my holiday itinerary for a break I'm taking in Hereford in November.
Staying in a 14th c. cruck framed hall and looking forward to seeing the Mappa Mundi in Hereford Cathedral and have a great looking itinerary now due to your font.
I use this font a lot when designing programs for my Early Music (Medieval/Renaissance) group.
@Tangent You're welcome, although somebody other than me let it get loose. It was supposed to be for internal use only. Because we often used it as white type on a dark background, it's fatter than 'normal' Goudy Medieval. Also, because we did foreign language editions, it has a bunch of diacritical characters that weren't in the original font.
I never recognized that the name "Magic Cards" for the font in Morrowind was actually referring to Magic: The Gathering. Cuz this is the same font.
This font matches wonderfully with the MtG cards texts, it's so beautiful and legible.