Megamax Jonathan Too Font

About Megamax Jonathan Too Font
Megamax Jonathan Too Font is a Pixel font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 6,780 times and added to 101 collections. 5 people have liked Megamax Jonathan Too Font and given it a thumbs up.
Megamax Jonathan Too Font was recently updated on Oct 4, 2024
Regular Style
More info from heaven castro
This is another Mega Man font of my own and is the pure bitmapped son of Megamax Jones, which is based on the cheque-style 16-bit 8x8 bitmapped lettering found on early Mega Man X games for the SNES (Note: Later games released for Sony PlayStation have very different lettering). It is mostly based on the 8-bit bitmapped lettering found in the NES game from 1988 called Mega Man 2. Some of the characters have been taken from Mega Man, Mega Man 3 and Mega Man 4 for the NES, though, some of them are alternate characters that are also found on fan translations of Mega Man 2. I also created custom characters not found on the Mega Man NES hexalogy of NES games. Best at 11 points and multiples of.