Metal Macabre Font

About Metal Macabre Font
Metal Macabre Font is a Metallic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 84,730 times and added to 1,488 collections. 51 people have liked Metal Macabre Font and given it a thumbs up.
Metal Macabre Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
Regular Style
More info from Bolt Cutter Design
Kill them all! Let the Devil sort them out!
License Info
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I love your fonts! I'm writing a book, which will be published in 3 years, may i use your fonts in them?!
Yes. If you use our fonts, please send us a scan of the finished work. We will put it up on our website with a link back to you. (give you some free advertising.)
Bolt Cutter
Such great intensity fonts. Love It!
Looks like 2 fonts one over the other... are both by you? i'd wish to have them separated ! 😄 great font btw
verry nice i must say
Hi, Please may I use this for my minecraft server icon?
@MollieMclean Yes feel free to use it as you see fit. (within the terms of the license of course), as an icon I see no problem.
No, it is one font, with characteristics of a serif font, and a freehand font melded to create an abomination, a construct, a FRANKENSTEIN!!! muahahahahaha! IT LIVES!
@BoltCutter good one 😃
I am writing to find out if i can use your font for a logo for my comic book fantasy series, Galerius. Which i will be putting on Patreon at some point in the middle of this year.
I'm writing to find out if i can use your font Metal Macbre for a logo for my comic book fantasy series, Galerius. Which i will be putting on Patreon at some point in November. I would appreciate in hearing from you.
Hi Jay,
A copy of the license should have been included when you downloaded the font. If not, you can get a copy of it from our website; under the 'Fonts' tab. When you complete your project, shoot us some pics of the finished product. We'll put them up on our website with a link back to you. (get you a little free advertising).
Good Luck with your project.
Mike Mahoney.
Creative Director,
Bolt Cutter Design-Industrial Strength
Found this font a few years ago and used it on our Bands album cover - we've now just done a second and used it again. It really is fantastic.
cool, brooo
Hey! im just wondering if it'd be okay to use as the font for my artist name? like on my logo and whatever. Thanks in advance!
I really like this one.