Rodja Font

About Rodja Font
Rodja Font is a Arabic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 102,621 times and added to 139 collections. 10 people have liked Rodja Font and given it a thumbs up.
Rodja Font was recently updated on Jun 20, 2019
8 font family styles
Rodja Style
truetype 65 glyphs 67 characters
Alt End Rodja Alt End Style
truetype 76 glyphs 55 characters
Alt End Slanted Rodja Alt End Slanted Style
truetype 76 glyphs 55 characters
Bold Rodja Bold Style
truetype 65 glyphs 67 characters
Bold Alt End Rodja Bold Alt End Style
truetype 76 glyphs 55 characters
Bold Alt Slanted Rodja Bold Alt Slanted Style
truetype 76 glyphs 55 characters
Bold Slanted Rodja Bold Slanted Style
truetype 65 glyphs 67 characters
Slanted Rodja Slanted Style
truetype 65 glyphs 67 characters
More info from Mikrojihad Font
This font is DEMO VERSION only.
Personal or Commercial Use are NOT ALLOWED!
Please contact me before any Promotional or Commercial Use!
Email support:
Thank You.
Mikrojihad, Inc.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Related Styles
9 years ago@fontologist Enjoy!
Thank you. That's a very thorough job and a big family for a freeware font. Nice graphics too. One of my favorite font genres is "fauxlang" fonts: Latin fonts that imitate other alphabets.