Minaeff Ect Font

About Minaeff Ect Font
Minaeff Ect Font is a Cyrillic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 10,123 times and added to 105 collections. 6 people have liked Minaeff Ect Font and given it a thumbs up.
Minaeff Ect Font was recently updated on Jul 24, 2019
2 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 581 glyphs 633 characters
Bold Style
truetype 579 glyphs 633 characters
More info from 4th february
Welcome to "Minaeff (Eff)ect", 100% free web font, proudly ours and designed especially for website designers and bloggers! This font is Clean, New, Legible, Unique and simply awesome.
You can use this font by any means for FREE, including online resources, website templates, cms themes or software!
License Info
Creative Commons (by-nd) Attribution No Derivatives
Great font. Thanks a lot! I use it when I am creating something oriental.