Honeybee Font

About Honeybee Font
Honeybee Font is a Cute font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 115,648 times and added to 2,974 collections. 160 people have liked Honeybee Font and given it a thumbs up.
Honeybee Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Regular Style
More info from Misti's Fonts
Type ** for the flower
Type :) for the bee
Type <3 for the heart
Type <33 for the scribble heart
Type <333 for the open heart
Type I<3U for the Love symbol
Type ## for the Honey symbol
FYI: If you are having trouble with the symbols showing up, please try my MF Dings font set for the symbols!
My fonts are free for PERSONAL use only. For any commercial use (anything you make money from), you must send a paypal donation.
Please visit my website www.mistifonts.com to see my affordable prices.
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License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
@Snowlynx Thanks so much for your comment!!!!! 😃
i luv the little hearts on the i
@andisa Thanks so much! <3
This is soooo me!!!!!!!!
@CharliCharliCharliFontForever Yay for honeybees!
@MistiFonts And yay for honey too 😄
This is so cute!! Is there a way to just copy and paste this font?
maravillosa letra .Muchas gracias
such a cute font
Absolutely adorable! I love all the little doodles included with this font set. Thank you so much for sharing. 😄