Monument_Valley_1.2 Font

About Monument_Valley_1.2 Font
Monument_Valley_1.2 Font is a Tall font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 232,083 times and added to 3,409 collections. 83 people have liked Monument_Valley_1.2 Font and given it a thumbs up.
Monument_Valley_1.2 Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Regular Style
postscript 32 glyphs 57 characters
More info from turbocass
Monument Valley: Thin, tall, and modern. Ideal for titles; lacking numbers and punctuation, except comma, period, and apostrophe. Future updates to come.
License Info
Do you have any plans to add other characters to the font like numbers or glyphs?
Also, am I alright to use this font on t-shirts I'm going to sell?