Move Sans Font

About Move Sans Font
Move Sans Font is a Sans Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,026 times and added to 79 collections. 4 people have liked Move Sans Font and given it a thumbs up.
Move Sans Font was recently updated on May 30, 2024
3 font family styles
Light Style
Medium Style
Bold Style
More info from Yanadoo Corp.
'Move Sans family' is available for free use by all users, including individuals and businesses!
However, users are not allowed to arbitrarily modify, alter, transform, replicate, or sell the original font files.
After downloading the font, please refer to the 'Move Sans-Font usage terms.pdf' file included in the zip archive before using the font.
You can explore the story and production process of the 'Move Sans family' by clicking on the link below.
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