Mutya baybayin Font

About Mutya baybayin Font
Mutya baybayin Font is a Baybayin font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 760 times and added to 3 collections. 1 people have liked Mutya baybayin Font and given it a thumbs up.
Mutya baybayin Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2023
Regular Style
truetype 55 glyphs 82 characters
More info from edelpona
Mutya Baybayin Font Keyboard Keys:
KUDLIT - e/i, o/u (Lower Case)
PATINIG - A, E/I, O/U (Upper Case)
PAMATAY PATINIG - Krus Kudlit - (+) ; Sinawali - (x), = ; Pamudpod - (j)
Na - n (Lower Case)
NGa - N (Upper Case)
Ra - /
DANDA (/) - (,)
KAPID DANDA (//) - (.)
BAYBAYIN NUMERALS (Pamilangan) - 1234567890
License Info
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