Nalom Font

Nalom Font
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About Nalom Font

Nalom Font is a Sans Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 950 times and added to 29 collections. 1 people have liked Nalom Font and given it a thumbs up.

Nalom Font was recently updated on Dec 22, 2021

8 font family styles

Light Style

Nalom Light
truetype 273 glyphs 239 characters

Light Italic Style

Nalom Light Italic
truetype 273 glyphs 239 characters

Regular Style

Nalom Regular
truetype 273 glyphs 238 characters

Italic Style

Nalom Italic
truetype 274 glyphs 239 characters

Bold Style

Nalom Bold
truetype 274 glyphs 239 characters

Bold Italic Style

Nalom Bold Italic
truetype 274 glyphs 239 characters

Rounded Style

Nalom Rounded
truetype 274 glyphs 239 characters

Italic Rounded Style

Nalom Italic Rounded
truetype 274 glyphs 239 characters
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    Hi, thanks for downloading our font

    Nalom Sans Serif Typeface Font Family

    Nalom is a modern sans serif typeface font famil . The family consist of 8 weights; light, regular, bold, rounded, italic, light italic, bold italic and rounded italic. It comes in uppercase and lowercase with special alternate and ligatures. This modern family font are great for user interfaces, logotypes, short text, long text, magazines etc.

    - 8 Weights; Nalom Light, Nalom Light Italic, Nalom Regular, Nalom Italic, Nalom Bold, Nalom Bold Italic, Nalom Rounded, Nalom Rounded Italic.
    - Uppercase, Lowercase, Number and Punctuation
    - Works on PC & Mac
    - Simple installations
    - Accessible in the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, even work on Microsoft Word
    - Fully accessible without additional design software.
    - Mültîlíñgúãl Sùppört for; ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß ¿ ¡

    Hope you enjoy with our font and this font usefull font your projets!


    By installing or using this font, you are agree to the Product Usage Agreement:

    1. This font for PERSONAL USE. No commercial use allowed!
    2. If you want to use this font for commercial use you must buy a commercial license.
    3. LINK TO PURCHASE COMMERSIAL LICENSE and COMPLETE 8 WEIGHTS for this font, find it here:

    Or You Can Purchase it here:

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    if you need more detailed information you can contact us at:

    Afkari Studio

    License Info

    Freeware, Non-Commercial


    Commercial licenses

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