Nefertina Font
About Nefertina Font
Nefertina Font is a 3D font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,094 times and added to 66 collections. 2 people have liked Nefertina Font and given it a thumbs up.
Nefertina Font was recently updated on Sep 8, 2007
Regular Style
More info from Etherbrian
Helpful Information All About This Nifty Typeface Your features may not be chiselled but your typography can be. And with this face (not the kind with eyes and lips) tones and/or color are easily added on the fly (not the kind with wings and sticky feet). The lowercase letters create the shadowed portion of each character while the uppercase provides a mask which becomes the "lit" portion. Text is typed in lowercase, then it is duplicated and placed behind the original text box. The color of the duplicated text is changed and then you're cooking up some 3D, baby! All letters are uppercase. Numbers' masks are created by pressing SHIFT plus the number. The only other character provided is the period (because you've gotta have a dot in this dot com world).