New Font
About New Font
New Font is a Hippie font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,455 times and added to 174 collections. 6 people have liked New Font and given it a thumbs up.
Regular Style
More info from goodvibrations
The typeface 'Good Vibrations' captures the beach / surf culture you experience when travelling around the beautiful country of New Zealand. Conceptually the typeface explores notions of place and a particular historical time period, the 1970’s. The formal language in Good Vibrations focuses on visually translating the experience of waves that tourists encounter at beaches in New Zealand. Formally this is expressed through the big, bold flicks in each individual letter.
Ray Cruz influences the 1970’s aspect of ‘Good Vibrations’ by making the stroke width of the bold, reflecting popular typeface trends of this era.