Pankaj Font
About Pankaj Font
Pankaj Font is a Hindi font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 62,604 times and added to 67 collections. 7 people have liked Pankaj Font and given it a thumbs up.
Pankaj Font was recently updated on Aug 3, 2018
7 font family styles
Normal Style

truetype 188 glyphs 205 characters
Bold Style

truetype 188 glyphs 394 characters
Bold Italic Style

truetype 188 glyphs 394 characters
Condensed Regular Style

truetype 188 glyphs 394 characters
Italic Style

truetype 188 glyphs 394 characters
Thin Regular Style

truetype 188 glyphs 394 characters
Wide Regular Style

truetype 188 glyphs 394 characters
More info from hindifonts
a free hindi font by
License Info
Is there a way to write the letter 's' at the beginning of a word that doesn't look weird, like a placeholder like you would have for vowels?