Parisienne Font

About Parisienne Font
Parisienne Font is a Script font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 541,430 times and added to 5,378 collections. 108 people have liked Parisienne Font and given it a thumbs up.
Parisienne Font was recently updated on Sep 13, 2019
Regular Style
More info from Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute
Parisienne is a casual connecting script inspired by a 1960s Bra advertisement! It has a slight bounce and intentional irregularity to what might other wise appear to be a more formal script font. Classic, yet free spirited, it is a typestyle for a wide variety of use.
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this font looks good
Genial también!
Thank you very much
très joli! Merci beaucoup
Super Cute
This looks just like what I have been imagining for my logo. "Classic, yet free-spirited" is my aim with my photography, as well! 😄
Lovely. Just the thing for embroidering Mom's name on the quilt we are giving her on her 90th birthday.
I use this a lot, it's flows well!
Thank you, can use this for birthdays.
Cette police est vraiment très sympathique. Un script un peu "campagnarde" parfait pour illustrer des maisons en pleine nature et des fermettes.
Je prends !
I love it! <3
Like! It's like Broadway, but cooler 😉
May I use this font on my website and if so, is there an available/preferred method i.e. CSS/font-face?
No Private use area.
Thanx for share it looks so awesome, blessings from Costa Rica