Pistara Font

About Pistara Font
Pistara Font is a Sans Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 46,142 times and added to 768 collections. 18 people have liked Pistara Font and given it a thumbs up.
Pistara Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Regular Style
More info from Paulo R
Pistara Font
Hi, thanks for downloading my font Pistara and I hope you like it. Remember: it's free for personal and commercial use! Hey, like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Skomii.PauloR to know more about me and what I'm doing.
* This font has support for more than 40 languages; It comes with OpenType Features that you can use in programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and many others...
If you like the font a lot, you can make a donation of any value, just to make me smile and know I did something great.
The font Pistara was designed by Paulo R in 2014.
License Info
Related Styles
a beautiful font. Clean and elegant. Thank you.
Could you add the Peso Currency "₱"?
Gorgeous, elegant font that fits well for fashion among other things, thank you.
very nice