Playfair Display Font

Playfair Display Font

About Playfair Display Font

Playfair Display Font is a Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 145,622 times and added to 4,368 collections. 78 people have liked Playfair Display Font and given it a thumbs up.

Playfair Display Font was recently updated on Mar 31, 2020

12 font family styles

Regular Style

Playfair Display Regular
truetype 1066 glyphs 657 characters

Italic Style

Playfair Display Italic
truetype 1065 glyphs 657 characters

Medium Style

Playfair Display Medium
truetype 1066 glyphs 657 characters

Medium Italic Style

Playfair Display Medium Italic
truetype 1065 glyphs 657 characters

SemiBold Style

Playfair Display SemiBold
truetype 1066 glyphs 657 characters

SemiBold Italic Style

Playfair Display SemiBold Italic
truetype 1065 glyphs 657 characters

Bold Style

Playfair Display Bold
truetype 1066 glyphs 657 characters

Bold Italic Style

Playfair Display Bold Italic
truetype 1065 glyphs 657 characters

ExtraBold Style

Playfair Display ExtraBold
truetype 1066 glyphs 657 characters

ExtraBold Italic Style

Playfair Display ExtraBold Italic
truetype 1065 glyphs 657 characters

Black Style

Playfair Display Black
truetype 1066 glyphs 657 characters

Black Italic Style

Playfair Display Black Italic
truetype 1065 glyphs 657 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from Claus Eggers Sørensen

    Play­fair is a trans­itional design. From the time of enlight­en­ment in the late 18th cen­tury, the broad nib quills were replaced by poin­ted steel pens. This influ­enced typo­graph­ical let­ter­forms to become increas­ingly detached from the writ­ten ones. Devel­op­ments in print­ing tech­no­logy, ink and paper mak­ing, made it pos­sible to print let­ter­forms of high con­trast and del­ic­ate hairlines.

    This design lends itself to this period, and while it is not a revival of any particular design, it takes influence from the designs of printer and typeface designer John Baskerville, the punchcutter William Martin’s typeface for the ‘Boydell Shakspeare’ (sic) edition, and from the ‘Scotch Roman’ designs that followed thereafter.


    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

    Related Styles


    user avatar
    4 years ago

    I want to use this font for a product that I am creating to sell to the public. Is there a fee I have to pay for commercial use?

    user avatar
    almost 4 years ago

    Hello :)

    I wanted to ask you if the font "Playfair Display" is suitable for commercial use.

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    Bueatiful. Elegant.

    user avatar
    almost 3 years ago

    Cute, would be great for my tag line on some products. Is this allowed for commercial use? What is Open Font License.