Quaaykop Font

About Quaaykop Font
Quaaykop Font is a Basic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,823 times and added to 312 collections. 4 people have liked Quaaykop Font and given it a thumbs up.
Quaaykop Font was recently updated on Nov 27, 2024
6 font family styles
Bold Italic Style
Bold Style
Italic Style
Medium Italic Style
Medium Style
Regular Style
More info from Tup Wanders
I use a couple of home made simple basic fonts to base my other fonts on. I still needed a simple boring serif font, but could never bring up the energy to actually make one, because it's... well, boring. A week and a half ago there was a heatwave and my fat ass had to stay inside. So I finally made that boring font from memory, trying hard to remember what I was taught during typography lessons in art school, forty years ago. I tried to keep it as boring as humanly possible, but I'm afraid I went frolicking on the beach of insanity here and there, you'll see where when you see it :)
So here it is: Quaaykop. Regular, Medium, Bold and Italic. My third font this month. It's not perfect, but it'll do. Might as well share it.
I do really love your description of your creation thought of this font. Thank U!