Red Nose Day Font
About Red Nose Day Font
Red Nose Day Font is a Clowns font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,188 times and added to 31 collections. 28 people have liked Red Nose Day Font and given it a thumbs up.
Red Nose Day Font was recently updated on Jan 14, 2020
4 font family styles
2 Medium Style
Medium Style
Comic Relief Medium Style
Regular Style
More info from KiddieFonts
Originally created for Comic Relief 2011 on the 18th March 2011, now updated with the 2017 Enoji's all donations to the author from this font will be given to the Comic Relief registered charity 326568 (England/Wales).As the latest version of the font is uploaded it will take some time for the new letters to appear in the window below however the latest font will include the next dingbat letter @
REMEMBER:> this is classed as donationware so only download if you plan to pledge money for Red Nose Day to our official fundraising page OR via the donate button above. Please if you download this don't forget to TWEET, SHARE and then DONATE !!!
A total of 17 different official red noses have been created for Comic Relief, all these and more are included in the Red Nose Day Dingbats font.
1988 The Plain Red Nose
1989 The Smiley Face (aka Harry)
1991 The Stonker Nose
1993 The Tomato Nose
1995 The Colour Change Nose
1997 The Furry Nose
1999 The Big Red Hooter
2001 The Whoopee Nose
2003 The Big Head Do
2005 Big Hair & Beyond
2007 The Big One
2009 The Three Noses (This one, That one & The other one)
2011 The Monster Noses (Honkus ,Captain Conk, Chucklechomp)
2017 Enoji's
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
First donation in standby for the next NOSE!!!
Version 1.3 now has the dingbat for 'R' please keep downloading and donating and I will keep creating through the night and well into next week !!!
Version 1.5 now has the original red nose from 1985 on the letter 'A'.
Version 1.0 of the Red Nose Day 2011 Fundrasing project @ KiddieFonts, the HONKUS font is now complete please use the donation button after your download.
Version 1.7 now has improved glyphs and added the number '1' the BIG ONE logo, please keep donating and downloading, ALWAYS check back for later versions.
Version v1.8 now includes the number '5' from the 2005 Big Hair Campaign, check back for more of the same
Version 2.0 now with numbers '0' and '7' from 2011 Do something funny for money 2007 the BIG ONE campaign respectively
Version 1.1 now uploaded is an inverted HONKUS font, please if you download DONATE, this software is now classed as Donationware...
Version 2.2 now includes a new letter 'H' for improved Honka, (did this one at 2am on the 19th) and the letter 'G' for Giggler, the furry ball to bash ....
Version 2.3 now includes the Oxfam in the letter 'O' I am still going please keep DONATING !!!
Version 2.5 now includes TKMAXX in the TM more to follow..
Version 2.8 now with extras gonna give it a rest for a couple of hours, keep DONATING for more of the same...
Good morning version 3.0 is now HERE....
Donations have stopped, however you good people are still downloading, v3.2 will be the last version posted for a while...
Got another donation, so here is v3.3 with an extra Tomato glyph on 'T' plus a remade letter 'B'
Version 1.3 now includes 6 characters from Comic Relief over the years, donate now to see more, note the preview window sometimes take a day to refresh new uploads.
Latest v3.6 now with 2 more glyphs plus moved the Y to number 6, please keep donating.....
Version 1.5 now includes Helen Skelton (bird on a wire) Nadia Sawalha and the ever present Wossy
Version 1.6 now includes Alesha Dixon and Cheryl Cole in 'C' and 'D' glyphs
Please follow the donationware fonts facebook community @
This is a work in progress the more donations that I receive the more red nose characters I will create throughout the evening of fundraising, dont forget to check back tomorrow to see if I finished the font. SpideRaY