Romantiques Font
About Romantiques Font
Romantiques Font is a Wild West font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 329,691 times and added to 2,755 collections. 62 people have liked Romantiques Font and given it a thumbs up.
Romantiques Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
Regular Style
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What software did you use to make this?
Hi, I like this font very much! You say that it`s free for commercial use so I wonder if I can use it in my stock vectors? Actually I was thinking of modifying it and creating a text on vintage Circus poster.
@japanez Dieter considers typefaces to be part of our cultural heritage and although he doesn't agree with foundries commercializing the sale of fonts, he puts no restrictions on their use.
@Rebecca2323 Dieter's retired. I don't know what software he used to make this, but given the date, he probably scanned the alphabet and used Macromedia Fontographer to clean up. For a long time he actually used TypeSmith on the Amiga.
i love that font !!!!
Actually, according to this site:
Dieter states that his fonts are for personal use only,
which I hate because I love his work.
this font is great. it really looks romantic and a bit exotic but i luuuuuuuuv it
This website says his fonts can be used Commercially.
@reid6usaf -Dieter has released all his fonts as freeware, now. He only wants to retain his Copyright so that his fonts are not modified and no derivatives are created from them. They can be used personally, or for commercial purposes. He is actually a bit angry with digital font prices. He is almost blind, very sick and yet still posting on Twitter as a great activist against inhumanities. He is genuinely a great man.
Almost identical to BraceletVictorian by Douglas Day