Salisha Signature Font
About Salisha Signature Font
Salisha Signature Font is a Calligraphy font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 951 times and added to 28 collections. 1 people have liked Salisha Signature Font and given it a thumbs up.
Salisha Signature Font was recently updated on Feb 17, 2023
Regular Style
More info from Solidtype
Salisha is a unique, elegant and modern handwriting font. that looks like a signature, this font is intentionally made with unique and alternating ligatures. This style of hand display makes it perfect for use in all your design projects whether it's logo, label, packaging design, blog title, poster, wedding designs, social media posts, Instagram design, etc.
What's included?
Salisha Signature OTF
Salisha Signature TTF
Multiple Language Support:
I hope you enjoy this font. If you have questions, don't hesitate to give me a message :)
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