Sargento Gorila Font

About Sargento Gorila Font
Sargento Gorila Font is a Military font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,594 times and added to 78 collections. 2 people have liked Sargento Gorila Font and given it a thumbs up.
Sargento Gorila Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
FFP Style
More info from deFharo
Sargento Gorila is a military style sans stencil typeface free only for personal use.
Use ligatures:
Two Bitcoin symbols: (b#, B#)
Sergeant symbol: #, a#
Sargento Gorila: SGT
• The commercial version includes the Cyrillic alphabet and Latin Extended-A, several monetary symbols, alternative letters and various ligatures.