Sebastian Gothic NBP Font

About Sebastian Gothic NBP Font
Sebastian Gothic NBP Font is a Digital font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 6,976 times and added to 64 collections. 4 people have liked Sebastian Gothic NBP Font and given it a thumbs up.
Sebastian Gothic NBP Font was recently updated on Feb 15, 2013
2 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 167 glyphs 174 characters
Sebastian Serif NBP Style
truetype 169 glyphs 174 characters
More info from total FontGeek DTF, Ltd.
Based on the alternate alphabet from Calibration Gothic Latin. Perfectly legible at nearly any size (except very small ones, like 6-8 pt)
License Info
Creative Commons (by-sa) Attribution Share Alike
Related Styles
12 years ago@hevbee Totally welcome! Glad you like it 😄
12 years ago@WolfLambert Thanks mate !
12 years ago@WolfLambert LMAO It does, doesn't it? Perfectly legible in any setting except the Fontspace preview line 😛
Thank you 😄