Shooting Stars Font

About Shooting Stars Font
Shooting Stars Font is a Star font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 79,038 times and added to 1,455 collections. 34 people have liked Shooting Stars Font and given it a thumbs up.
Shooting Stars Font was recently updated on May 3, 2018
Regular Style
More info from Misti's Fonts
This font has a "t" that curls over. It can be accessed with the _ key (underscore). It only works properly with the following letters: a, c, e, m, n, o, s.
Example: If you spell the word 'Dreamt', you would type D-r-e-a-m and then an underscore to get the "t" that curls over :) Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help you the best I can :D
NOTE: This will not show up properly on Fontspace, but will work in any program that supports kerning. This font contains many kerning pairs that will not show up here, but will in programs such as Gimp, Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape, and any other programs that support kerning.
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Totally awesome 😄
@hevbee Thanks! 😃
Wow, so cute!
@nymphont Thanks so much!!! 😃
@WolfLambert Good point! Thanks for the suggestion 😃
This looks so awesome! cx
My most favorite Miffin Font 😃 <3
@WolfLambert Thanks so much!