Signus Bold NBP Font

About Signus Bold NBP Font
Signus Bold NBP Font is a Outdoor font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,099 times and added to 49 collections. 4 people have liked Signus Bold NBP Font and given it a thumbs up.
Signus Bold NBP Font was recently updated on Jan 30, 2013
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Signus NBP Style
More info from total FontGeek DTF, Ltd.
A bold all-caps font inspired by outdoor sign lettering.
-Added Signus Alternates
Signus Alternates contains alternate glyphs in the lowercase area (like you would see on a sign where some letters are missing) The uppercase letters are regular Signus.
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Hey, you should create an account at MyFonts and upload all your fonts to it, don't you?
@WolfLambert The whole design is based on injection-moulded letters for outdoor signs. Sometimes if you have a sign like that, you're gonna lose letters in the wind or to vandals or something. If you can't afford new letters then you have to improvise with what you have. The alternate set is sort of the "I lost my letters" set. It's not really worthwhile unless you're doing urban-themed graphic design and need to simulate that.
@WolfLambert I just thought it was cool lol There's a sign near my flat that looks kind of like that. No one's bothered to change the letters in like 5 years XD