Snyder Speed Brush Font
About Snyder Speed Brush Font
Snyder Speed Brush Font is a Sign Painting font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 25,130 times and added to 181 collections. 3 people have liked Snyder Speed Brush Font and given it a thumbs up.
Snyder Speed Brush Font was recently updated on Mar 31, 2010
Regular Style
More info from Pat Snyder
A sign painter for 50 years, my father taught me (among other alphabets/typefaces) the sign painter's bread and butter alphabet: Speed-brush lettering. After infinite hours of practice using paint with brush applied to rolls of banner paper while learning to recreate letters in sizes from one-inch up to two-foot high letters, this typeface served well when I was in the sign business in the 70s. I currently teach drawing, painting, printmaking, year book DTP, and commercial art to future artists, possibly typographers (alias) high school students; and produce serious art for local, regional and national juried exhibitions.
SnyderSpeed was my first attempt at recreating, a memorized sign-painting alphabets on the Mac. My wife dared me to apply my skills to the Mac she had begged me to buy her for Christmas in 1989. (Wasn't I a nice guy!). She works in DTP and claimed she could not find the brush stroke font she needed, at any price, anywhere.
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@jimtealiii Interesting. It looks like Pat made this one in 1992 and House Industries made theirs in 1999, 7 years later. Maybe they used Pat's as a reference?
Also quite famously used in Mario Kart 64. Sign Painter - House Brush is also different in many areas, particularly P, R, U, and F. They share the same sign-painter's brush DNA but other than that are independent designs.
@fontspace How do I use this for commercial use? Thanks.
Fun fact: this is House Industries' Sign Painter font at 118%.