Some Time Later Font

About Some Time Later Font
Some Time Later Font is a SpongeBob font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 54,860 times and added to 843 collections. 67 people have liked Some Time Later Font and given it a thumbs up.
Some Time Later Font was recently updated on Aug 12, 2020
Regular Style
More info from Fredrick Brennan
Some Time Later is a recreation of the classic SpongeBob Squarepants™ typeface used in the credits, in the title cards of some episodes and most famously in the time cards.
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Is there any character that isn't supported? 'Cause ō and ъ are supported!
"and the typeface from Nickelodeon being nowhere online"
Well, i just managed to FIND the original
on an asset disc, it's called "spongeboyTT1"
and it's not online sooo..
@nauticalsponge8 Wow, very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I was able to find spongeboyTT1 on a Chinese website, this one:
Extremely interesting find! Downloading from that site is time consuming if you don't speak Chinese, so I uploaded it elsewhere :
What an interesting font. It compares well to mine, and I can use it to improve STL even further to match canon material except open source. Thanks
@nauticalsponge8 Despite this extremely interesting canon find, I still think Some Time Later is superior. I compared the fonts side by side and I see that some letters in "spongeboyTT1" were obviously drawn for another time, for low resolution screens. Some letters in "spongeboyTT1" have awkward lines, such as "s", "c", "9"; I feel I rendered these letters better in Some Time Later font. And of course, STL has a way larger charset than this font.
However, despite minor flaws, spongeboyTT1 is much superior to Krabby Patty!
@nauticalsponge8 Interesting tidbit in the copyright information:
(c) Copyright Copyright 1997 Tony Ostyn: Font Guy 818/980-9884, FFDec v.9.0.0.
@copypaste thanks!
Spongebob Season 1 (1999)
Spongebob Season 2 (2000)
Spongebob Season 3 (2001)
Spongebob Season 4 (2005)
Spongebob Season 5 (2008)
Spongebob Season 6 (2010)
Spongebob Season 7 (2013)
Spongebob Season 8 (2015)
Spongebob Season 9 (2017)
R.I.P. Stephen Hillenburg
I don't know if you know this, but they remastered the episode "Spongebobs house party" and when they redid the credits, they actually used Some Time Later!
Some letters in Latin-B missing accents, The ¬ has a hole in it at the right angle, and some letters (like Greek phi) contain self-intersections (Should make sure the paths have the correct winding and are not intersecting)
Also, Some Latin-Additional letters are missing or have misplaced accents…
Also, Where is the ellipses?!
Here is another thing I noticed: The Caron on the Ň is upside-down!
If the hole(s) is visible depends on the program
Hello @BryndanMeyerholt. Your issues should be fixed in latest release, version 3.2. Sorry for delay. See also , where I thank you. 😄
Is it just me? or is it the "%" had a space to the right on it?
I found a 1 more error, The hebrew letter aleph does look like a "K"!
And the greek eltter pi symbol (looked like a w with line) Is more spaced too!!!
Yay! Rv v