Merriweather Sans Font
About Merriweather Sans Font
Merriweather Sans Font is a Sans Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,888 times and added to 102 collections. 6 people have liked Merriweather Sans Font and given it a thumbs up.
Merriweather Sans Font was recently updated on Apr 20, 2013
4 font family styles
Bold Style
truetype 417 glyphs 432 characters
ExtraBold Style
truetype 417 glyphs 432 characters
Light Style
truetype 417 glyphs 432 characters
Regular Style
truetype 417 glyphs 432 characters
More info from Sorkin Type
Merriweather Sans is a low-contrast semi-condensed sans-serif typeface family designed to be readable at very small sizes. Merriweather Sans is traditional in feeling despite the modern shapes it has adopted for screens. It is a companion to the serif typeface family Merriweather.
License Info
SIL Open Font License (OFL)
Related Styles
almost 12 years agocolingwest
Yes Merriweather Sans Light is identical to Microsoft Sans Serif. Why the different name?
I'm assuming Sans Light isn't actually Microsoft Sans Serif no matter what my screen is showing me.