Space Mono Font

About Space Mono Font
Space Mono Font is a Monospaced font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,821 times and added to 127 collections. 10 people have liked Space Mono Font and given it a thumbs up.
Space Mono Font was recently updated on Jan 12, 2021
4 font family styles
Regular Style
Italic Style
Bold Style
Bold Italic Style
More info from Colophon
Space Mono is an original fixed-width type family designed by Colophon Foundry for Google Design. It supports a Latin Extended glyph set, enabling typesetting for English and other Western European languages.
Developed for editorial use in headline and display typography, the letterforms infuse a geometric foundation and grotesque details with qualities often found in headline typefaces of the 1960s (See: Microgramma, Eurostile), many of which have since been co-opted by science fiction films, television, and literature.
Typographic features include old-style figures, superscript and subscript numerals, fractions, center-height and cap-height currency symbols, directional arrows, and multiple stylistic alternates.
Colophon Foundry is a London and Los Angeles-based digital type foundry established in 2009. Its members comprise Benjamin Critton (US), Edd Harrington (UK), and Anthony Sheret (UK). The foundry's commissioned work in type design is complemented by work in editorial design, publishing, curation, and pedagogy.