Stepwyze Font

About Stepwyze Font
Stepwyze Font is a 3D font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 9,476 times and added to 267 collections. 11 people have liked Stepwyze Font and given it a thumbs up.
Stepwyze Font was recently updated on Mar 9, 2020
Regular Style
More info from Gene Buban
So this was made into an actual game. The font was sketched out a while ago, but after the GameComp started, I thought it would adapt well to transforming into one of those infinite jumper games popular on mobile devices. Instead I let it become a right to left scroller with the player jumping through words that actually say something. It's somewhat meta in that the player has to navigate the platform and make sense of the words at the same time. Simple to play. Try not to stumble over your words as you go about your business and time flies by. Just like in real life. The game is just a proof of concept and not at all near completed. I'll probably just post what I have to show it in motion. 11.26.14