Tall & Lean Font

Tall & Lean Font
Essqué Productions avatar

About Tall & Lean Font

Tall & Lean Font is a Tall font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,825 times and added to 86 collections. 3 people have liked Tall & Lean Font and given it a thumbs up.

Tall & Lean Font was recently updated on May 25, 2021

Regular Style

Tall & Lean
truetype 240 glyphs 252 characters
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    A font long-time coming. Designed to be a font family with backward slanting letters, I started this font while I was in the throes of finishing Petal Glyph and had nearly finished the entire family of upright and slanting letters. I placed it on the back burner until I could figure out what to do with it and how to fix the back-slant issues that were cropping up. Fast forward to mid/late 2013, I dusted the font off and decided that I needed to rebuild the font from scratch using the old version as a template to unify weight, dimensions, and kerning. I also discovered that I was missing some glyphs, so I added them as well to make the font more complete. Here is the final upright project in it's regular weight. The free-usage license for this font is included along with the TTF in the zip file.

    For commercial-use licensing, you can visit our web shop.
    REGULAR FONT: http://www.essque-productions.com/shop/fonts/tall-lean.html
    FONT FAMILY (3 Weights): http://www.essque-productions.com/shop/fonts/tall-lean-family.html

    License Info

    Freeware, commercial use requires donation


    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

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