Tangled v1.2 Font

About Tangled v1.2 Font
Tangled v1.2 Font is a Rapunzel font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 370,659 times and added to 2,667 collections. 91 people have liked Tangled v1.2 Font and given it a thumbs up.
Tangled v1.2 Font was recently updated on Aug 29, 2011
Regular Style
More info from Esteban4058
demo v1.2
License Info
Commercial licenses
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You missed big D 😞
This is just what I am looking for but my letters are cut off at the bottom when in Word. Any suggestions?
@nataliek Unfortunately it's a problem with the font. If you try in another program like Photoshop, or Paintshop it should show the bottoms (descenders)
Jaun: You can fix this by updating the usWinDescent of the font, it is too small a number.
Capital Letters???
(1) Do you have a full version of this font?
(2) If so, what characters does it include (besides, presumably, the rest of the alphanumerics)?
(3) ...and how much would it cost?
doesnt work in paint either! without the bottoms it really doesn´t make a difference in using any other font
when i download it the letter "p" is clear, how can i change this?
As soon as I converted the typeface to curves in CorelDraw the bottom of the letters appeared perfectly 😄
Well, this would've worked out perfectly if the capital letters were complete. 😞
Is there a full download of the tangled font? Is it for sale and download or not?
This one is still missing letters. Is there any way to get the full font?
Ty, love it!