Telihold Font

About Telihold Font
Telihold Font is a Rovásírás font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,407 times and added to 41 collections. 8 people have liked Telihold Font and given it a thumbs up.
Telihold Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Regular Style
More info from Roland Huse Design
“Telihold”(Fullmoon) is an experimental design, a runic-latin hybrid font with
some educational purpose. Since Szekely-Hungarian runes (rovás)
has no difference in lowercase and capital versions, I used the
lowercase glyphs for the latin look “cheat”, and capitals for the
original runes and their places. I was trying to keep all the cheat
glyphs as original as possible, and choose the closest matches to
each glyph. I made only minor changes in forms, most of them
has just been reflected horizontally/vertically.
For the original rovas, I used the version of Adorján Magyar.
"User's guide" is attached as PDF to the font file.
It's about culture, tradition, heritage. Recommend for download only for those who are interested in and respect the ancient world and history. It's a national design.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
@Nate547 Thank you! It's not yet in ISO so I decided to make my own way...
Brilliant idea, this !