Tiresias Infofont Font

About Tiresias Infofont Font
Tiresias Infofont Font is a Sans Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,582 times and added to 176 collections. 4 people have liked Tiresias Infofont Font and given it a thumbs up.
Tiresias Infofont Font was recently updated on Apr 1, 2020
6 font family styles
Regular Style
Z Regular Style
Italic Style
Z Italic Style
Bold Style
Z Bold Style
More info from The Royal National Institute for the Blind
Tiresias is a family of realist sans-serif typefaces that were designed for best legibility by people with impaired vision at the Scientific Research Unit of Royal National Institute of the Blind in London.
Tiresias is the font used in subtitles for digital terrestrial television (DVB-T) in the UK and the Sky Digital satellite service (DVB-S) targeting the UK and Ireland.
Tiresias Infofont – for information labels, optimized for maximum legibility at a distance of 30–100 cm.