TSISQUILISDA Font is a Cherokee font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,834 times and added to 23 collections. 3 people have liked TSISQUILISDA Font and given it a thumbs up.
TSISQUILISDA Font was recently updated on Oct 29, 2013
Regular Style
More info from Chung-deh Tien
Tsisquilisda is blackbird in Cherokee. In this font you will see 3 style of serif and 1 san serif. this is necessary if I want to base the design on the original Sequoyah syllables and have a contemporary feel like that of futura. there is the tear drop serif you'll see at the end of the syllables "ju " and "hi" . there is the micro serif you see at the vertical stroke at the syllables "a " and " e", (its not design to be prominent.) you will see the heavy serif on the top of syllables "o " and "yi "( it make the syllables more legible at distance.) and of course the san serif shows up at the Cherokee syllables "tse " and the
ends of "me" (at the tips, only 4 out of 46 syllables have this characteristic.) all this will show its distinct Cherokee style, it makes it better i think. keep in mind, this is still an experiment. i don't know if it really works. but i will try it out on other Cherokee font in the future.
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Related Styles
i just realize i have kerning problem with some punctuations with a few of the Cherokee syllables.
I am in the middle of fixing it. will try to finish it as soon as i can.
please check later with revised version in the next 2 days. -sorry about that.
its updated now.
Originally i wanted this to be a gothic novel font in Cherokee. as in the gothic novel is call Tsisquilisda --blackbird.