Tugano Font

About Tugano Font
Tugano Font is a Text font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,442 times and added to 44 collections. 15 people have liked Tugano Font and given it a thumbs up.
Tugano Font was recently updated on Mar 18, 2020
DEMO Style
More info from shaped fonts
Tugano is a free serif font with more than 580 glyphs and ligatures, perfectly adapted for continuous text. A total of eight styles are made to design an eyecatcher for specific characters.
This font is free for personal use only. If you want to use it commercially, please buy a standard license on my website: www.shapedfonts.com
The Full version including numbers, symbols and language support is included with an license only.
Important: If you are a company with more than 10 people you need to buy an extended license. To do this, please contact me on my website or via license@shapedfonts.com