Ugaritic 3 Font

Ugaritic 3 Font

About Ugaritic 3 Font

Ugaritic 3 Font is a Cuneiform font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 10,134 times and added to 73 collections. 7 people have liked Ugaritic 3 Font and given it a thumbs up.

Ugaritic 3 Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019

Regular Style

Ugaritic 3
truetype 79 glyphs 125 characters
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    More info from David Myriad Rosenbaum

    Discovered in the ruins of a Syrian temple in Ras Shamara, this
    alphabet dates from 1,400 BC; it's use ended around 1,200 BC with
    the destruction of the city of Ugarit. Derived from both syllabic
    (symbols representing spoken syllables) cuneiform and contemporary
    Phoenician alphabets, it is the first cuneiform alphabet; the
    letters were scratched onto wet clay tablets with a stylus. The
    order of the letters closely follows the arrangement of the
    Phoenician and Hebrew letters. Unlike these neighboring alphabets,
    it is consistently written from left to right.

    The alphabet consists of thirty letters and a word divider symbol;
    only administrative texts included the full alphabet, since they
    needed the final three letters to represent sounds in the
    neighboring Hurrian language. The literary texts in the local
    language include a mythological cycle concerning Ba'al Hadad --
    the Lord of Thunder, as well as stories of legendary heros. The
    fragments that have survived give a taste of the treasures of the
    lost Canaanite culture.

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