UnifontEX Font

About UnifontEX Font
UnifontEX Font is a Pixel font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 28,450 times and added to 253 collections. 92 people have liked UnifontEX Font and given it a thumbs up.
UnifontEX Font was recently updated on Dec 13, 2024
Regular Style
More info from St. GIGAFONT Typefaces
This project was ALWAYS about trying to improve GNU Unifont however I could. Well, I would have to say that I've had a few years to think things over more.
The 2017 old version was:
"Just a quick, legit compilation of Fairfax and all 3 Unifont's. More to come."
Well, IT DID! God, has that old version aged terribly. It didn't even follow the pixel grid. Here it is for your enjoyment: https://github.com/stgiga/gigaware/blob/main/GNUUnifont9FullHintInstrUCSUR.ttf
After all these years, this project has now become Unifont-JP 15.0.06 merged with Unifont 11.0.01 Upper (MUCH more character coverage). The 6 years I spent making an improved Unifont have finally culminated in UnifontEX, and I'm happy to have finished this long project after so long. Here is some more documentation: https://stgiga.github.io/UnifontEX
Also here is my logo for it:
and the PSD:
Go enjoy this!
A bugfix update was made in December 2023 on a backup computer (long story, my data is safe), and it adds the JSTF table too!
February 2nd, 2024:
MATH, BASE, and VDMX tables added to improve rendering, and after further testing they don't break anything as had previously been thought.
December 12th, 2024:
Added Unicode 15.1 glyphs.
License Info
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CKJs are too far from each other when I tested the change preview
hi um nice work
this is so coooolll omg so cool im using this for my school project right neow its so good omg omg omg omg omg omg omgjeezus so good my eyes are blessed right neow holy holy holy
You can still download the old version if you want.
I learned a lot in the last 6 years.
btw, there is some more if you use fontfourge if you have a computer
There are a few inconsistencies....