Vollkorn Font

Vollkorn Font
Friedrich Althausen avatar

About Vollkorn Font

Vollkorn Font is a Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 63,778 times and added to 2,032 collections. 50 people have liked Vollkorn Font and given it a thumbs up.

Vollkorn Font was recently updated on Apr 3, 2020

12 font family styles

Regular Style

Vollkorn Regular
postscript 2011 glyphs 1240 characters

Italic Style

Vollkorn Italic
postscript 1597 glyphs 1239 characters

Medium Style

Vollkorn Medium
truetype 2116 glyphs 1240 characters

Medium Italic Style

Vollkorn Medium Italic
postscript 1598 glyphs 1239 characters

SemiBold Style

Vollkorn SemiBold
postscript 2013 glyphs 1240 characters

SemiBold Italic Style

Vollkorn SemiBold Italic
postscript 1597 glyphs 1239 characters

Bold Style

Vollkorn Bold
postscript 2011 glyphs 1240 characters

Bold Italic Style

Vollkorn Bold Italic
postscript 1597 glyphs 1239 characters

ExtraBold Style

Vollkorn ExtraBold
postscript 2013 glyphs 1240 characters

ExtraBold Italic Style

Vollkorn ExtraBold Italic
postscript 1597 glyphs 1239 characters

Black Style

Vollkorn Black
postscript 2009 glyphs 1240 characters

Black Italic Style

Vollkorn Black Italic
postscript 1596 glyphs 1239 characters
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    More info from Friedrich Althausen

    Vollkorn came into being as my first type designing attempt. I published the Regular in 2005 under a Creative-Commons-License. Until the counter finally collapsed two years later it had been downloaded thousands of times and used for web and print matters. It intends to be a quiet, modest and well working text face for bread and butter use. Unlike its examples in the book faces from the renaissance until today, it has dark and meaty serifs and a bouncing and healthy look. It might be used as body type as well as for headlines or titles. »Vollkorn« (pronounced »Follkorn«) is German for »wholemeal« which refers to the old term »Brotschrift«. It stood for the small fonts for every day use in hand setting times.

    May 9nd 2018 (Friedrich Althausen) Vollkorn Version 4.105
    - fixed feature code for figures
    - added Dcedilla
    - generated OTF, TTF, WOFF, WOFF2, EOT

    Source: http://vollkorn-typeface.com/

    Vollkorn now offers two new weights: Medium and Extrabold. SemiBold’s and Bold’s appearances were slightly adjusted for that. Italics equivalent.

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

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