Warsaw Gothic Font

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About Warsaw Gothic Font

Warsaw Gothic Font is a 3D font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 89,786 times and added to 1,008 collections. 106 people have liked Warsaw Gothic Font and given it a thumbs up.

Warsaw Gothic Font was recently updated on Jul 14, 2015

26 font family styles

Regular Style

Warsaw Gothic
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

3D Style

Warsaw Gothic 3D
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

3DObl Style

Warsaw Gothic 3D Oblique
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

Condensed Style

Warsaw Gothic Condensed
postscript 328 glyphs 332 characters

CondObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Condensed OBlique
postscript 328 glyphs 332 characters

Ext Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

Ext3D Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended 3D
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

Ext3DObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended 3D Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

ExtObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

ExtOuLn Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended Outline
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

ExtOuLnObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended Outline Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

ExtShd Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended Shadow
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

ExtShdObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Extended Shadow Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

Obl Style

Warsaw Gothic Oblique
postscript 332 glyphs 332 characters

OuLn Style

Warsaw Gothic Outline
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

OuLnObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Outline Oblique
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

Shd Style

Warsaw Gothic Shadow
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

ShdObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Shadow Oblique
postscript 329 glyphs 332 characters

SuExt Style

Warsaw Gothic SuperExtended
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

SuExt3D Style

Warsaw Gothic SuperExtended 3D
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

SuExtObl Style

Warsaw Gothic SuperExtended Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

SuExt3DObl Style

Warsaw Gothic SuperExtended Oblique 3D
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

SuExtShd Style

Warsaw Gothic SuperExtended Shadow
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

SuExtShdObl Style

Warsaw Gothic SuperExtended Shadow Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

Woodtype Style

Warsaw Gothic Woodtype
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters

WoodtypeObl Style

Warsaw Gothic Woodtype Oblique
postscript 330 glyphs 332 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from KineticPlasma Fonts

    This font is a Derivative of the SIL Open Font Licensed open source font, League Gothic, by the League of Moveable Type.

    This font has several re-designed and tweaked characters, plus several new weights/styles.

    New Woodtype style bold weight and matching italic added.

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

    Related Styles


    user avatar
    9 years ago

    It is nice !! I love I'm just not sure use all their families


    user avatar
    9 years ago

    @LordZeDD Thanks for the compliment! Have a good day!

    user avatar
    7 years ago

    These look excellent! They look just like the credits for a movie poster!

    user avatar
    2 years ago

    Love this font, just can't figure out how to use it! In MS Word, I can only access the 3D Regular version of the font, even though I installed all of the variants. Currently searching for an answer, since I love how these look.