Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni Font

About Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni Font
Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni Font is a Tibetan font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 13,613 times and added to 285 collections. 9 people have liked Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni Font and given it a thumbs up.
Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni Font was recently updated on Dec 18, 2020
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Yagpo Tibetan Uni Style
More info from Open Source Buddhism Library
Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni it is Tibetan Unicode OpenType font which support full 0x0F00 and GB18030 code table and additional 4400 ligatures. It contain about 11 250 letters which include all tibetan stack letters from texts of Baikal Lake Enlightenment Stupa Zung texts, Kanjur, Tenjur, Open Source Buddhism Library text corpus , ACIP and TBRC texts.
Yagpo Tibetan Sambhota Uni font is designed in Open Source Buddhism Library project and inspired by Sambhota font collection designed by Lama Tenzin Namdak.
Font supported both Tibetan Unicode and GB18030 code table and suitable for PDF composing. If PDF is open by Adobe Acrobat, font give opportunity to copy correct Unicode text from PDF document created in Adobe InDesign.
Last build version you can download here: http://www.buddism.ru/YagpoFont/
May all be happy!
License Info
Related Styles
Good day. Font is under development, actual build version you may download from http://www.buddism.ru/YagpoFont/
About font full justification issue in Adobe CS
Question: How prevent Adobe CS from break ligatures in full justification?
Answer: This issue solution it is set the method by which Adobe compose paragraph justification.
It is four methods to choose:
For tibetan you may choose between «Adobe Paragraph composer».
Text tracking is need to set not more than 20. If you need big space between letters you may use Optical kerning. Also important set «No Language» in «Character» menu.
Which Tibetan script fonts are Open Type Fonts (.otf)? Microsoft does not seem to support .ttf s.
Just beautiful!! Thank You!!